Feasting when the dam dies

WHEN the town dam dies, there’s always a feast. It’s happened twice during the time I’ve been living in this little Free State dorp and I’m learning the rituals. At its fullest the dam, just outside the town gates, is …Share this:Click to share on Twitter...

Dam Dies I

This used to be a town dam, with water as far as you could see. Now there’s nothing except a dark stain in the centre where the last water dried into mud shards. Careless owners of cattle and horses have …Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...

Journalists’ patron plant is blooming …

Blooming in the veld right now is Harveya purpurea, aka the ink plant (because the flowers turn an inky black colour if they are bruised). More sceptical members of the public might say that there is another reason for this …Share this:Click to share on Twitter...